10 Dec 2013

ADVICE POST #1: Choosing your GCSEs

    Picking your GCSE options can be a daunting and difficult process. As Year 10s, we have relatively recently been through that experience and have now completed nearly one term of GCSEs. Therefore, we are in a good position to offer advice to current Year 9s about how to make this decision and to inform you about our experience of each GCSE subject so far.

    In this post, we take a closer look at Art, Photography, Textiles, PE, Drama and Food. Another post will be published later on this week that looks at the other possible GCSE options.

 ADVICE GIVER: Annabel Brooks, Year 10 Art Scholar

    As many may know, Art is a very time consuming subject as there is a lot of preparation work for each final piece and making the deadlines can often be challenging.

    However I don’t regret taking it one bit - even though my art homework takes the longest to complete, it is the homework I most look forward to doing. We get set a piece of work on one of the double lessons which is due in the same time in the following week. The type of homework you get set includes finishing a painting, doing a drawing, an essay or completing some development pages.

    I tend to do my art on the weekend so that I know I will have enough time because I am generally very busy. I’d strongly advise you to stay on top of your work because otherwise it piles up, making it more difficult to complete. Also, the more you get done in the lesson, the less work you’ll have for homework because most of the work set is finishing off classwork.

    When I heard about Art from previous GCSE students, I was put off by their complaints of the amount of time they have to spend on it. But I can honestly say, it is not as hard as it sounds - just make sure that you use your time wisely and even attend lunchtime or afterschool Art Club for extra help. But if Art is one of your strengths, do not be put off by the workload because it is manageable. My main advice would be to choose your subjects based on what you enjoy.
ADVICE GIVER: Georgia-Grace Samuels
SUBJECT: Photography

    I chose Photography because I wanted to learn a new skill. I recommend taking this subject  because it is really fun and is quite different from other GCSEs. The equipment you need is a camera, a laptop and a sketchbook. Although it is hard work, the sense of achievement you get when completing a project or assignment is well worth it.

ADVICE GIVER: Eloise Clarke
SUBJECT: Textiles

     I chose to do textiles at GCSE because I enjoy starting and completing projects (especially creative ones in a subject that I enjoy doing).  I also like textiles because at the end of a project you have learnt new things, gained skills and have something you have made yourself, which gives you a real sense of achievement.

   As well as making two items using the sewing machine, you must also build up a portfolio throughout the year and complete theory work. This theory side of textiles is also interesting and useful with the practical side of the subject. A typical lesson usually involves doing some work on your portfolio, but mainly learning theory and making items.

    In terms of homework, you get set work on your portfolios such as creating mood boards, drawing designs and thinking of ideas for your project. Some theory work is also set as well as practical work, such as some sewing or ironing parts of your design. Like Art, Textiles can become rather time consuming. However, if you enjoy doing it then the workload seems less and you feel that it's a good use of your time. It's always exciting to see your ideas and designs turn into something you have created.

ADVICE GIVER: Anya Jackson

    I chose this subject because I really enjoy taking part in the lessons and I have an interest in PE. I would definitely choose PE if you are sporty as you get graded on four sports - so if you're good then you can get very high marks. We have a double physical lesson and a double theory lesson each week. The sport we do in the physical lesson changes depending on what sport we are being graded on at that point in the year.

    The theory lesson is very structured. We fill in a new booklet every week which also includes our homework. We get set homework every week, the amount of which varies. The work is very interesting, but only if you're interested in sport. I am really enjoying PE and the workload is very manageable.

ADVICE GIVER: Meghan Ingham

    I chose drama as I had really enjoyed it over the previous years and wanted to go deeper into the subject and learn more about acting and theatre in general. I also believed that I could get a respectable mark at the end of the two  years which I would be happy with, which was another factor in choosing my options.

    Drama is very entertaining and the lessons are extremely enjoyable. There is a very small and manageable amount of weekly homework, which is mainly preparation for the next lesson. There is more homework in the holidays when you have to write short essays about the work you have done in the lessons. This takes a fair amount of time but you are given a generous amount of time in which to complete it.

    I would really recommend taking drama as it is such a helpful subject for things such as public speaking, and it is so enjoyable to take part in.

ADVICE GIVER: Daniella Copeland

    I chose this subject because I enjoy cooking and was interested in learning about the nutrition in food. The only thing is you can get quite a lot of work and homework but as long as you don't leave it until last minute then it is easily managed. All of the practicals are great fun and it is great to be able to choose what you cook.

Make sure to check back later in the new year to 
find out more about some of the other GCSE options!

Contributed by 10A and collated by Serina Tatham, 10A's blog representative
Illustrations contributed by the VERY talented Taylor Gillin, 12L

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