25 Oct 2013

Welcome to your blog.

    While you have been covering your exercise books in sticky back plastic, or trying to remember which colour folder is for which subject, we have been spending the first half of term preparing for the launch of this blog, for you - our fellow Marist students.

 What's it all about? 
    The blog is coordinated by two Sixth Formers and four Year 9 girls. It's a purely student blog - the idea was thought of by a student, it's run and written by students, and we hope that it will be read predominantly by students. This means that its tone is significantly more informal and relaxed than the website or the glossy newsletter, for example.

 Who writes the posts? 
    Apart from this introductory post, we don't contribute the content that will be published on the blog - that's your job. We hope that students from across all years of the school will contribute posts (500 words max.) which will make the blog representative of the whole school and interesting for all year groups. The posts will be accompanied by relevant pictures and illustrations (which you are also welcome to contribute, if writing's not your thing).

 What can a post be about? 
    School news is already covered on the website and in the termly newsletter. We want something different. Perhaps some advice for your fellow students - about how to get work experience, for example? A recommendation of a website that other students may find interesting or helpful? Your opinion about a national news story or controversial topic? You are also welcome to use the blog to publicise in-school events or clubs. We're sure that you have plenty of imaginative post ideas (or even ideas for regular features) - if you think it will be interesting for other students to read, it is very likely to make a good post.

 How can I contribute a post? 
    Email us your idea for a blog post then, once we've approved it (to make sure you're not just talking about what your cat has eaten over the past week), write it in a word document. In the meantime we can source relevant photos and/or illustrations, if necessary, from other students. When it's finished, send it to us and we will publish it on the blog.
    Additionally, after the half term break, a new form group role/position of responsibility will be introduced - the Student Blog Representative. There will be one of these in each form throughout Year 7 to Year 11, and one for each Sixth Form year. It will be their job to encourage and organise members of their form to contribute blog posts. Student Blog Representatives will be directed and supported by one member of the central team, and the role can be rotated each term or half term if necessary. There may even be rewards (quite possibly the edible sort!) if a certain number of posts from one form group are contributed over a set period of time!

    For this blog to be a success, you need to read it regularly, email us your ideas and post contributions and get involved in the comment section at the end of each post. If you manage all that, then this blog could be a really great way to interact will other students.

the blueteam

Contribute a post or idea. Ask a question. Give feedback.
Email: studentblog@themaristschools.com